The Fall 2024 version of IAT-235Information Design
This is old content
Andrew is not currently teaching IAT-235. This material is left online for reference only.
Course overview
Important information for an overview of Information Design.
Class-wide announcements made over the term.
Projects and exercises
Course-work for the term.
Longer and more complex work.
P1: Clarity
- Individual project.
- From September 17 to October 8.
- Worth 20% of final grade.
P2: Wireframes
- Group project.
- From October 8 to November 5.
- Worth 25% of final grade.
- Individual project.
- From November 5 to November 12.
- Worth 10% of final grade.
P4: Design and Develop
- Group project.
- From November 12 to December 3.
- Worth 25% of final grade.
Sketching and code exercises to practice design and development.
Balance and Hierarchy Sketch
- From September 17 to September 24.
Frames Sketch
- From September 24 to October 1.
Divergence Sketch
- From October 1 to October 8.
Grids Sketch
- From October 8 to October 22.
HTML Exercise
- From October 22 to October 29.
CSS Exercise
- From October 29 to November 5.
CSS Layout Exercise
- From November 5 to November 12.
- From November 12 to November 19.
Building Websites Exercise
- From November 19 to November 26.
- From November 19 to December 3.
Reading reflections
Written reflections on reading content. Only two required over the term.
Reading reflection #1
- From September 17 to September 17.
Reading reflection #2
- From October 1 to October 1.
Reading reflection #3
- From October 22 to October 22.
Reading reflection #4
- From November 12 to November 12.
Code tutorials
Course code tutorial files and links to live 'playgrounds' for completed tutorials.
HTML Tutorial
Introduction to HTML.
CSS Tutorial
Introduction to CSS.
Layout Tutorial
Introduction to CSS grids.
All lectures slides for Fall 2024.
Developing Process (September 17)
An introduction to the course and thinking about an information and user experience design process.
Structuring Content (September 24)
Thinking about layout and structure to direct movement through content.
Understanding Context (October 1)
The importance of research to help understand context in a design process.
Bare Bones (October 8)
An introduction to interaction design and wireframing.
Semantics, Accessibility and Markup (October 22)
This week we will introduce HTML and how proper use can mean more accessible websites.
Accessible styling (October 29)
An introduction to responsive web design and styling your HTML with CSS.
Users and you (November 5)
How to think about and test with the people you are designing for.
Build Responsively (November 12)
Focusing on the building of responsive web layouts and an introduction to your final project.
Technical Questions (November 19)
A lecture for answering any lingering questions you have about the final project, HTML, or CSS.
Beyond Information Design (November 26)
A lecture to help you think about moving forward beyond information design and into other areas of design and development.